Wyld Guide: 4 Fool-proof Ways to Cure a Hangover
September 01 2017

Had a Wyld night out? These four tricks will have you feeling fresh and ready to tackle the day.
It’s Saturday night and you’re getting groovy on the dance floor. We get it. We’ve been there – Ignition 2.0 comes on, that guy over there buys you another shot and the rest of the night is history. But when duty calls the next day (read: work), regardless of how many Jägerbombs we did the night before, we need to be looking fresh and on our A game. Yes, we’re talking about performing real life with a hangover. So, whether you have to be camera-ready for a friend’s wedding or have a business brunch at 10:30 am, it’s key to greet your day with the look of total rest and rejuvenation – even if you hailed a cab at 3am.
To say goodbye to that hangover and take on the day, say hello to these four tricks.
A fresh start begins with skincare
We’ve all made the (lazy) choice to ‘rock’ last night’s makeup masterpiece while we get our beauty rest. While this is a sure way to have our skin betray us come sunrise, it also carries the party over to the next morning – neither of which is ideal for getting a fresh start. Fear not, because you can have your skin looking A+ in no time with the following steps.
Step 1: remove. Get all that makeup off and do it pronto, babe!
Step 2: exfoliate, gently. This will get the blood pumping through your skin and rid of any unwelcome intruders that appeared overnight. Using an all-natural product like our charcoal konjac sponge will detox your skin, and give you a natural glow; just imagine a little grey superhero with a billion tentacles sucking the nasties from your face.
Step 3: shock. Get rid of the bags under your eyes with one of two tricks. Either throw a spoon in the freezer for five minutes and gently hold beneath the eyes or let your Wyld konjac sponge soak in cold water and do the same.
Step 3: moisturize. Using a natural moisturizer to hydrate after a night out will flood the skin with hydration without causing you to break out at the hands of chemical-filled creams.
Step 4: Re-apply. If you have to put makeup on, go for the dewy minimal look that will brighten you up while still letting your skin heal.
Greasy foods are not your friend
Drop the McDonalds, sister. If you truly want to do your body a favor, don’t keep poisoning it! To get the pep back in your step, your Breakfast of Champions should look a lot like this: green juice (adding ginger, lemon or grapefruit will help flush the body of toxins), steamed asparagus, egg whites and a banana. You’ll thank us later.
Sweat it out, sweetie
While it’s not necessarily a good idea to push your hungover body the way you normally would, it is a good idea to do a light workout to get your blood pumping and raise your endorphins. Go for a brisk walk around the block, do 5 minutes of skipping or take 15 minutes to practice yoga from home – anything to get your heart rate up and expel nasty toxins found in alcohol will boost your mood and energy throughout the day.
Hydrate 101
Drinking alcohol impedes the body’s ability to re-absorb water, so unless you want to spend the day in the fetal position with the blinds drawn, you better grab your water bottle. While water is the best hydrator, it can be beneficial to give the body a bit of variety when it comes to healing a hangover. We like warm lemon water (restores alkaline), peppermint tea (aids with motion sickness) and coconut water (floods the body with electrolytes and boosts immune functions). Variety is the name of this rehydration game, babe.
So, there you have it. By following this simple list, you can have your proverbial cake and eat it too. Now go get em, Wyld thing!